\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n Payment Total: ${{\n memberPaymentsTotal.toFixed(2)\n }}\n
\n \n
{{ translations.tcMembershipAffirmation1 }}
{{ translations.tcMembershipAffirmation2 }}
\n {{\n translations.tcNext }}\n \n {{\n translations.tcCancel\n }} \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n \n {{ translations.tcSelectNextButtonWhenCompleted }}\n {{ translations.tcPaymentPageIsSecureDescription }} \n
\n \n {{ translations.tcTotalPaymentAmount }}\n \n {{ formatDollars(memberTotalPayment) }}
\n \n \n
\n Payment Details: \n {{ formatDollars(memberTotalPayment) }} Monthly\n \n
Select Date: \n
\n \n
\n \n Selected Withdrawal Date: \n {{ dues.withdrawDate + (dues.withdrawDate === 1 ? 'st' : 'th') + ' of the Month' }}\n
\n \n
\n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcPaymentType }}\n \n \n \n \n Please select payment\n type. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n or, enter a new Credit Card \n
\n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcCreditCardNumber }}\n \n \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n Invalid card number \n At least 15 digits are required \n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcNameOnCard }}\n \n \n {{\n errorMsg.reqField\n }} \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcExpirationMonth }}\n \n \n \n \n {{\n !$v.dues.expiremonth.isExpiryValid ? 'Expiry month cannot be in the past' : errorMsg.reqField\n }} \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcExpirationYear }}\n \n \n \n \n {{\n !$v.dues.expireyear.isExpiryValid ? 'Expiry year cannot be in the past' : errorMsg.reqField\n }} \n \n
CVC \n \n {{\n errorMsg.reqField }} \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcNameOnAccount }}\n \n \n {{\n errorMsg.reqField\n }} \n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcBankRoutingNumber }}\n \n \n {{\n errorMsg.reqField\n }} \n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcBankAccountNumber }}\n \n \n {{\n errorMsg.reqField\n }} \n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcReEnterBankAccountNumber }}\n \n \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n Number does\n not match \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcPayerInformation }}\n \n
\n \n {{\n this.individualProfile.formal_name\n }} \n {{\n this.userName }} \n \n
\n \n
{{ translations.tcAddress1 }} \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n \n
{{ translations.tcCity }} \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n \n
{{ translations.tcState }} \n \n \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n \n
{{ translations.tcZip }} \n \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n No more than 10 digits are allowed. \n At least 5 digits are required. \n \n Invalid format, correct format is 12345 or 12345-6789. \n \n \n
{{ translations.tcEmail }} \n \n \n {{ errorMsg.reqField }} \n Invalid Email Address \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
{{ translations.tcCardVerificationCode }} \n
{{ translations.tcCVCDescription }}
{{ translations.tcCVCLocation }}
\n \n {{ translations.tcCVCAmexLocation }}\n \n \n {{ translations.tcCVCDiscoverMasterCardVisaLocation }}\n \n \n
\n \n
{{ translations.tcBankRoutingAndAccountNumber }} \n
{{ translations.tcBankRoutingAndAccountNumberLocationOnCheck }}
\n \n \n
\n {{\n translations.tcBack }}\n \n {{\n translations.tcNext }}\n \n {{ translations.tcCancel }}\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n {{ translations.tcDuesPaymentReview }} -\n {{ translations.tcDuesPaymentReviewDescription }}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcGideonDues }}: \n {{ formatDollars(dues.gideonPaymentAmount) }} {{ translations.tcFor }}\n {{ dues.membertype === 'Gideon Member'\n ? individualProfile.member_number : individualProfile.spouse_member_number }}\n {{ dues.membertype === 'Gideon Member'\n ? individualProfile.formal_name : individualProfile.spouse_formal_name }}\n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcAuxiliaryDues }}: \n {{ formatDollars(dues.auxPaymentAmount) }} {{ translations.tcFor }}\n {{ dues.membertype === 'Auxiliary Member'\n ? individualProfile.member_number : individualProfile.spouse_member_number }}\n {{ dues.membertype === 'Auxiliary Member'\n ? individualProfile.formal_name : individualProfile.spouse_formal_name }}\n
\n \n
\n {{\n translations.tcTotalPaymentAmount }}: \n {{ formatDollars(memberPaymentsTotal) }}\n
\n Monthly Installment: \n {{ formatDollars(memberTotalPayment) }}\n
\n Selected Withdrawal Date: \n {{ dues.withdrawDate === 1 ? '1st of the Month' : '15th of the Month' }}\n
\n {{ translations.tcPaymentType }}: \n {{ dues.paymenttype === 'ACH' ? translations.tcACH : translations.tcCreditCard }}\n
\n {{ dues.paymenttype === 'ACH' ? translations.tcNameOnAccount :\n translations.tcCardholderName }}: \n {{ dues.nameonaccount }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcCreditCardNumber }}: \n {{ displayCardNum }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcExpirationDate }}: \n {{ dues.expiremonth }}/{{ dues.expireyear }}\n
\n \n
\n \n {{ translations.tcBankRoutingNumber }}: \n {{ dues.routingnumber }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcBankAccountNumber }}: \n {{ dues.checkingnumber }}\n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcAddress }}: \n {{ dues.address1 }}\n
\n \n {{ dues.city }}, {{ dues.state }} {{ dues.zipcode }}\n
\n {{ translations.tcEmail }}: \n {{ dues.email }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcDuesPaymentReview }} -\n {{ translations.tcDuesPaymentReviewDescription }} {{\n translations.tcPaymentPageIsSecureDescription\n }}\n
\n \n \n
\n {{\n translations.tcBack\n }} \n {{\n isMonthly ? 'Renew Membership' : translations.tcPayDues\n }} \n {{\n translations.tcCancel\n }} \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
{{ translations.tcThankYou }} \n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcGideonDues }}: \n {{ formatDollars(dues.gideonPaymentAmount) }} {{ translations.tcFor }}\n {{ dues.membertype === 'Gideon Member' ? individualProfile.member_number :\n individualProfile.spouse_member_number }}\n {{ dues.membertype === 'Gideon Member' ? individualProfile.formal_name :\n individualProfile.spouse_formal_name }}\n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcAuxiliaryDues }}: \n {{ formatDollars(dues.auxPaymentAmount) }} {{ translations.tcFor }}\n {{\n dues.membertype === 'Auxiliary Member'\n ? individualProfile.member_number\n : individualProfile.spouse_member_number\n }}\n {{\n dues.membertype === 'Auxiliary Member'\n ? individualProfile.formal_name\n : individualProfile.spouse_formal_name\n }}\n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcTotalPaymentAmount }}: \n {{ formatDollars(memberPaymentsTotal) }}\n
\n Monthly Installment: \n {{ formatDollars(memberTotalPayment) }}\n
\n Selected Withdrawal Date: \n {{ dues.withdrawDate === 1 ? '1st of the Month' : '15th of the Month' }}\n
\n {{ translations.tcPaymentType }}: \n {{ dues.paymenttype === 'ACH' ? translations.tcACH : translations.tcCreditCard }}\n
\n {{ translations.tcNameOnAccount }}: \n {{ dues.nameonaccount }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcCreditCardNumber }}: \n {{ displayCardNum }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcExpirationDate }}: \n {{ dues.expiremonth }}/{{ dues.expireyear }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcCardholderName }}: \n {{ dues.nameonaccount }}\n
\n \n
\n \n {{ translations.tcBankRoutingNumber }}: \n {{ dues.routingnumber }}\n
\n \n {{ translations.tcBankAccountNumber }}: \n {{ dues.checkingnumber }}\n
\n \n
\n {{ translations.tcAddress }}: \n {{ dues.address1 }}\n
\n \n {{ dues.city }}, {{ dues.state }} {{ dues.zipcode }}\n
\n {{ translations.tcEmail }}: \n {{ dues.email }}\n
\n \n \n
\n {{\n translations.tcFinished\n }} \n
\n \n